scarletd: I love your silences. They are like mine.
coral staley-hall: bokeh blast
M_NGN: "Sideways Clock" | Daniel Arsham
Emyan: Red on White
Arthur Anker: Odd beetle fly (Celyphidae)
mila0506: Tuna Mayo on rice 特製ツナマヨ丼
miss_n_arrow: Victor {explored! #10}
Lord V: Raindrops on spider's web #2
Lord V: Raindrops on spider's web #1
*dans: 元月六日竹北燒王船 2013 burning king's ship in Taiwan
*Ros* {I'mFeelingThis}: #5 (Buoni propositi per il 2013) *Explored!! thank u*
Dyxie: 01.04.2013
Eleni_Kapa: walls
images through a lens: The blue chair [Explored]
the milster: Last Time I Saw The Sun
Philip Male photography: Cockadoodledoo.....
bojangles_1953: Strawberry Explosion [Explored]
myu-myu: Camellia sasanqua
fabrys: End of a year / Ausstellungsstr
Molly Lichten: Addicted
Lord V: Anthurium flower closeup #1
Lord V: Playing with an orchid
Lord V: Anthurium flower closeup #2
Chris Dève: D'en-haut, une diagonale dans le carré...