Elizabeth•Grace: "Hand in hand, with fairy grace, Will we sing, and bless this place."
Elizabeth•Grace: throughout the leaves : a shimmer
Elizabeth•Grace: 鏡花水月 || kyōka suigetsu
Elizabeth•Grace: S L E E P I N G « B E A U T Y
Elizabeth•Grace: In America
Elizabeth•Grace: "I think we are blind. Blind people who can see, but do not see."
Elizabeth•Grace: Solidarity
Elizabeth•Grace: Behind the Scenes
Elizabeth•Grace: In Her Eyes
Elizabeth•Grace: I actually think sadness and darkness can be very beautiful and healing.
Elizabeth•Grace: Still Life: Toast and Fruit
Elizabeth•Grace: Still Life: Kashi
Elizabeth•Grace: 10 Square Feet
Elizabeth•Grace: christoper noyes:an outtake
Elizabeth•Grace: send a pair of eyes, single visioned, script reading...
Elizabeth•Grace: We will refrain from words until the context is collected and again grants, like a stage can to an opera, the understanding of what's really being said.
Elizabeth•Grace: christoper:noyes
Elizabeth•Grace: Abraxas Books
Elizabeth•Grace: Day 3: Rain
Elizabeth•Grace: Beach Daze
Elizabeth•Grace: Day 2: Tree
Elizabeth•Grace: Day 1: Death Pt. II