(bbarsalo): Héron strié - Butorides striata - Striated Heron / Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron
(bbarsalo): Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
(bbarsalo): Huppe fasciée - Upupa epops - Eurasian Hoopoe
(bbarsalo): Héron cendré - Ardea cinerea - Grey Heron
(bbarsalo): Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron
(bbarsalo): Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
(bbarsalo): Grand Cormoran - Phalacrocorax carbo - Great Cormorant
(bbarsalo): Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
(bbarsalo): Martin-pêcheur pie -Ceryle rudis - Pied Kingfisher
(bbarsalo): Martin-pêcheur pie -Ceryle rudis - Pied Kingfisher
(bbarsalo): Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron
(bbarsalo): Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron - (Le vent a fait apparître les plumes blanches / The wind made the whithe feathers appear)
(bbarsalo): Chevalier sylvain - Tringa glareola - Wood Sandpiper
(bbarsalo): Héron pourpré - Ardea purpurea - Purple Heron
(bbarsalo): Héron pourpré - Ardea purpurea - Purple Heron
(bbarsalo): Gallinule poule-d'eau - Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen
(bbarsalo): Fuligule nyroca - Aythya nyroca - Ferruginous Duck
(bbarsalo): Fuligule nyroca - Aythya nyroca - Ferruginous Duck
(bbarsalo): Barge à queue noire - Limosa limosa - Black-tailed Godwit
(bbarsalo): WOW Impressionnant cette (Awsome this) Échasse blanche - Himantopus himantopus - Black-winged Stilt
(bbarsalo): Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little Egret
(bbarsalo): Héron cendré - Ardea cinerea - Grey Heron
(bbarsalo): Échasse blanche - Himantopus himantopus - Black-winged Stilt
(bbarsalo): Oh my God, I was not fast enough! Oh non, pas assez vite sur le piton! WOW nice Héron pourpré - Ardea purpurea - Purple Heron
(bbarsalo): Gallinule poule-d'eau - Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen
(bbarsalo): Gallinule poule-d'eau - Gallinula chloropus - Common Moorhen
(bbarsalo): WOW Magnifique plumage du Crabier chevelu - Ardeola ralloides - Squacco Heron
(bbarsalo): Martin-pêcheur pie / Alcyon pie - Ceryle rudis - Pied Kingfisher
(bbarsalo): Vanneau à éperons - Vanellus spinosus - Spur-winged Lapwing
(bbarsalo): Corneille mantelée - Corvus cornix - Hooded Crow