umwdtlt: Jim Groom as target of roasting at post-FA dinner
umwdtlt: IMG_0932.JPG
umwdtlt: IMG_0912.JPG
Lady BenKo: Geek survival kit
Todd Hershey: Midnight Movie
Dean Stevens: Vault of the Drow
Dean Stevens: Descent into the Depths of the Earth
swimopenh2o: Blackboard Punk
swimopenh2o: Edupunk
swimopenh2o: Edupunk
swimopenh2o: Edupunk
rocdam: Omaggio al principe Antonio De Curtis, in arte Totò (1898-1967) - II
rocdam: Omaggio al principe Antonio De Curtis, in arte Totò (1898-1967)
UMW Centennial: Campus Aerial View 1965
bionicteaching: nonprogramistan
scarriot: What are you looking at?