Aron Wiesenfeld: The Wedding Party
Daniel Coves: net no.5
tim lowly: drawing studio still nine
Daniel Coves: Turin horse no.1 La lutte des chameaux. HOMBRESCEBRA 2 Caution Troco Va!
Daniel Coves: Werckmeister Harmonies no.3(24x19)
Daniel Coves: Werckmeister Harmonies no.1(24X19)
Daniel Coves: Eli y naranja quebrado
Daniel Coves: Ordet no.3
Daniel Coves: net no.4 (detalle)
Daniel Coves: Meek's cutoff
joePastor: someone
joePastor: un trapo
Napol One: Amy Winehouse
Napol One: Venganza...
the akirA project: imagined portrait 2
scalleja: Jaime Sunico: Unknown titles (ARCO8 - Madrid)
tim lowly: Il Sole