Mack Messersohn:
"I assure you I can explain everything." #manofsteel #boxofmadness
Mack Messersohn:
Well, I couldn't just leave without getting *something*... #myinterests
Mack Messersohn:
Mr. Moffat, I know you've already started your 50th Anniversary story, but hear me out... #doctorwho #thethreedoctors #specialguest
Mack Messersohn:
Do I want? Do I breathe? #VHS #wegetdonations #troughton #random
Mack Messersohn:
Contemplary Breakfast. #intheshadowofHearst
Mack Messersohn:
Time-lost Batman doesn't like to work with amateurs. #elevendoctorsgotowar
Mack Messersohn:
Watch those hands, Pond. #hexy #ElevenDoctorsGoToWar
Mack Messersohn:
So disturbing. #whatsupDoc #leftturnatGallifrey #usbhorror
Mack Messersohn:
Last day at work before #gally1 Ticktickticktickticktick... #tick
Mack Messersohn:
Fan Club of America. #madeintheUSA
Mack Messersohn:
Well goddamn. I guess I *did* hold on to it. #closetcleaning #DW4life
Mack Messersohn:
The treachery of Time Lords! The power of Sontar! Time-Lost Batmen! #Ineedtoliedown #doctorswho
Mack Messersohn:
Behold the Game of Rassilon... er, again. #elevendoctors #ninetynineproblems
Mack Messersohn:
J'accuse J'anuary begins! #workworkwork #workworkwork #helloboys #missme?
Mack Messersohn:
Spidey doesn't want to get involved. #fiftiethanniversary
Mack Messersohn:
I can already tell I'm going to spend the month of January feeling like Veronica Cartwright.
Mack Messersohn:
Mack Messersohn:
Now that's funny. #homecoming #newhampshire #doctorwho
Mack Messersohn:
Mack Messersohn:
Okay, I've lost it. #doctorwho #highlighting #youngerself #thechildisthefatheroftheman
Mack Messersohn:
I may actually cry. #newhampshire #25yearslater #homecoming
Mack Messersohn:
Hey hometown library, you're doing all right.
Mack Messersohn:
Okay, I may have a few issues with B&N, but I'm a sucker for this sort of organizing. #byDoctorbygum
Mack Messersohn:
That's right, bitch. Classic. (Sad to report I've already spent more than $9.99 on these, especially The Flash.)
Mack Messersohn:
My "process". #workshed #procrastinationinaction
Mack Messersohn:
Tardis shirt
Mack Messersohn:
Entropy Increases.
Mack Messersohn:
Dals before Thals.
Mack Messersohn:
Does this mean they're both fictional? Or the other way round?
Mack Messersohn:
On record.