Mack Messersohn: No comment.
Mack Messersohn: Preparing for this damp, drizzly November and beyond. #itbegins #DailyDick #nextproject #finally #Melville #tarot #beyondthesea
Mack Messersohn: Pacific Rim 2, if there is a God.
Mack Messersohn: Thank you for the title of my next gritty sci-fi epic, chaps. #trilogyatleast #grit #space #marines #robots #robotmarines
Mack Messersohn: I am not Terry Beatty's girlfriend. #dude #kissmedeadly #comicsjournal
Mack Messersohn: Getting the new place all dolled up. #octobercountry #thisishalloween
Mack Messersohn: Just another Sunday at work... #lovemyjob #gaymerx
Mack Messersohn: TFW you spot yourself across a crowded room. #gaymerX #doppelganger #timetravel #spooky
Mack Messersohn: Also starring this guy, as my wife. #kujiragami #partners #mobydick
Mack Messersohn: Finally getting the office together... @stevelieberart @illusivecomics #thefix
Mack Messersohn: National Lampoon, February 1990 $3.95 #TheOmen
Mack Messersohn: The new office is shaping up. And that shape is off-kilter. #kilted #gettingsettled
Mack Messersohn: For protection in a new home, it is very important to install a shrine to the household gods. #groovy #gettingsettled
Mack Messersohn: Yes, it's a terrifying basement with a crawl space that's likely full of vampires, but it's home. #nightmarefuel #everythingsfine #home
Mack Messersohn: Tell us about it, Janet. #godbeastmode
Mack Messersohn: Batman V Superman (2016)
Mack Messersohn: I feel like I should perform a Railing Death just to not waste this opportunity. #wilhelmscream
Mack Messersohn: The Day has arrived. #BB88 #shoutfactory #illbeinmybunk #heyBanzai #thereyouare
Mack Messersohn: Okay, so what's this one called? Cathobot? Tubazar? Squareby? I'm new here. #pokemongo #catchemall #CRTlife
Mack Messersohn: Saw me coming... #sucker #denslow #barbait #garnishedwithabanana #ozcon
Mack Messersohn: Plus a bonus Eric Shanower Scarecrow sketch, and you bet I'm stealing that when this is over. #ozcon #shanower #vendlife
Mack Messersohn: Deep thoughts.
Mack Messersohn: 🎤Looks like we made it... #illusivecomics #moving #bigbusiness
Mack Messersohn: My mousepad did a thing. #AllWorldsAreOneWorld #bestpartofthejob #creatinghappiness
Mack Messersohn: For the day I give up and go full Pratchett.
Mack Messersohn: The King of Subtle Cosplay since 1988. #buckaroobanzai #bb88 #identifyyourselfno
Mack Messersohn: Thank heaven for small favours. #niceguys #shaneblack #mmpb #novelisations4life
Mack Messersohn: TFW you realize you've always been the Caretaker here.
Mack Messersohn: .uoY knahT
Mack Messersohn: Did I spend any part of my day trying to fix this sharpened ratio? #No #theyrejustpencils #ametaphor