John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
"Thou art a female, Katydid! I know it by the trill that quivers through thy piercing notes so petulant and shrill. I think there is a knot of you beneath the hollow tree. A knot of spinster Katydids. Do Katydids drink tea?"
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Cup Moth (Altha cf. nivea, Limacodidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Monkey Moth (Eupterote sp., Eupterotidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Spiny Leaf-Rolling Weevil (Attelabidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Umber Skipper (Poanes melane, Hesperiidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Hooded Mantis Nymph (Rhombodera sp., Mantidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Leaf-rolling Weevil (Korotyaevirhinus necopinus, Attelabidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Female Rosy Tussock Moth (Lymantria mathura, Lymantriinae, Erebidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Giant Asian Mantis, female (Hierodula sp., Mantidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Giant Asian Mantis, female (Hierodula sp., Mantidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Katydid (Phaneropterinae, Tettigoniidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Limacodid Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Belippa horrida, Limacodidae) "Jelly Bean"
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Tussock Moth (Nygmiini, Lymantriinae, Erebidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Longhorn Beetle (Aristobia horridula, Lamiinae, Cerambycidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Hooded Mantis Nymph (Rhombodera sp., Mantidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Hooded Mantis Nymph (Rhombodera sp., Mantidae)
In Memoriam: Ecuador Megadiverso:
Picture-winged Leaf Moth, Belonoptera selenioides? Thyrididae
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Wandering Glider (Pantala flavescens, Libellulidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Rest assured, our Orthopteran overlords are always watching... waiting... stridulating...
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Lobster Moth Caterpillar (Stauropus sp., Notodontidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Stinging Nettle Slug Caterpillar (Cup Moth, Limacodidae) "Almond-backed"
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Chalcosiine Day-flying Moth Caterpillar (likely Eterusia or Soritia sp., Chalcosiinae, Zygaenidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Man or Mantis
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Assassin Bug Nymph (Acanthaspis sp., Reduviidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG):
Fairy Rings….with fairies!!
Green Baron Pro:
Agathia arcuata, Geo Geo Geometrini
RD Wildlife Management | fightwns:
T. brasiliensis
War Dance