unquenchable.fire: Sorting through the equipment
unquenchable.fire: Arriving on the tarmac to work on the ship
unquenchable.fire: Is all that going to fit on the ship?
unquenchable.fire: Sandhill cranes hanging at the airport
unquenchable.fire: Shooting range
unquenchable.fire: The ship attached to the mooring rig
unquenchable.fire: Angles and curves
unquenchable.fire: More angles and curves and clouds
unquenchable.fire: Circling vulture
unquenchable.fire: I never tired of watching the ship
unquenchable.fire: Crow roost
unquenchable.fire: Tied to the mooring
unquenchable.fire: The crew were still working on the engines as we installed equipment.
unquenchable.fire: The flight deck
unquenchable.fire: Stealing a quick shot in the pilot's seat
unquenchable.fire: I think this is where they add helium.
unquenchable.fire: "Topping off" the helium
unquenchable.fire: British english does not equal American english.
unquenchable.fire: Sand bags for fine-tuning the ballast
unquenchable.fire: Pre-flight refueling
unquenchable.fire: The empty ship
unquenchable.fire: The airship pre-installation
unquenchable.fire: The "shop"
unquenchable.fire: Taylor machining another custom-made part
unquenchable.fire: John and Greg assembling the equipment rack in the hot sun on the tarmac.
unquenchable.fire: Greg installing the equipment rack
unquenchable.fire: John adjusting his equipment
unquenchable.fire: Taylor fine-tuning the Lidar rig.
unquenchable.fire: Last minute equipment checking before the test flight
unquenchable.fire: The final insect net rig