unquenchable.fire: The outside is pretty, but just wait.
unquenchable.fire: The front door to the courthouse
unquenchable.fire: Some goddess of wisdom or justice watches over the main hall.
unquenchable.fire: Another goddess on the other side of the hall.
unquenchable.fire: Looking across the main entrance hall
unquenchable.fire: Gratuitous stone carving in front of leaded glass window
unquenchable.fire: Stained glass window
unquenchable.fire: Looking down from the top floor
unquenchable.fire: Zodiac runes painted on the ceiling
unquenchable.fire: The spiral staircase
unquenchable.fire: Up the spiral staircase
unquenchable.fire: One room had a painted ceiling for no apparent reason
unquenchable.fire: Some metal structural rods were nicely decorated
unquenchable.fire: More gratuitous beautiful carving
unquenchable.fire: Lizard - lepidopteran carving
unquenchable.fire: Owl on book
unquenchable.fire: Watching over the proceedings
unquenchable.fire: Another carved face
unquenchable.fire: Is that an elf?
unquenchable.fire: The office doors were amazing.
unquenchable.fire: Perhaps you'd like some fancy stonework above your office door?
unquenchable.fire: Office door with one point
unquenchable.fire: Square office door
unquenchable.fire: Office door with three points
unquenchable.fire: Animal hardware on door
unquenchable.fire: Hound and hare hardware
unquenchable.fire: Close up of cat and mouse hardware on door
unquenchable.fire: The main hall