unquenchable.fire: View from the hotel room
unquenchable.fire: The biologist working at the field station gave a mini lecture before we had dinner and went to the cave.
unquenchable.fire: Scott and Winston immediately got on the roof of the field station
unquenchable.fire: Lots of bats exiting the cave as we arrived
unquenchable.fire: These boas only needed 1/4 of their body to support their weight
unquenchable.fire: Scott manning the harp trap
unquenchable.fire: This boa almost ate Scott
unquenchable.fire: More bats emerging from the cave past the snakes
unquenchable.fire: Bat - boa interaction
unquenchable.fire: Sadly we never saw any snakes actually catch a bat
unquenchable.fire: Hard to tell the snakes from the vines
unquenchable.fire: Boa hanging out pretending to be a vine
unquenchable.fire: The curled up snake in the back might have caught a bat
unquenchable.fire: Extremely cute, not so vicious
unquenchable.fire: Big hair
unquenchable.fire: More mormoop attitude
unquenchable.fire: Get a load of my facial bling, y'all
unquenchable.fire: Erophylla sezekoni
unquenchable.fire: Got fruit? Or whatever.
unquenchable.fire: Devin likes bats.