unquenchable.fire: The unmodified styrofoam casing
unquenchable.fire: The casing interior
unquenchable.fire: The modified SM2BAT detector
unquenchable.fire: Detector ready to be inserted in the styrofoam casing
unquenchable.fire: Gently slide the bundle into the casing cavity
unquenchable.fire: The detector fully pushed into the cavity
unquenchable.fire: Secure the microphone to the casing
unquenchable.fire: Fill the cavity with more lightweight padding
unquenchable.fire: More gaff tape to hold it in place
unquenchable.fire: Not sure this helps much but I add an anti-echo layer of padding
unquenchable.fire: Anti-echo padding in place
unquenchable.fire: Rear shot of the casing ready for deployment
unquenchable.fire: The casing is hung from an arrow.
unquenchable.fire: You can see some reflective tape on the bottom
unquenchable.fire: The detector mounted on the line and ready for deployment.
unquenchable.fire: Both detectors mounted and going up
unquenchable.fire: Mistress of Glenda
unquenchable.fire: Kite team posing with the helikite