Grooover: Gordale Scar
Grooover: Brimham Rocks
Grooover: Balancing act at Brimham
Grooover: Malham Cove
Grooover: Coldstones Quarry was in tiers
Grooover: Janet's Foss
Grooover: A Stones Throw From Grassington
Grooover: Stepping up to the Abbey
Grooover: A Self Purrtrait
Grooover: A misty start
Grooover: Valley Of Desolation.
Grooover: It just Blue in
Grooover: Green Scene
Grooover: A real head turner
Grooover: Greydients
Grooover: In the crescent tense
Grooover: Overlooking Malham Cove
Grooover: Fountains Abbey Facade
Grooover: Beyond Brimham Rocks
Grooover: Abbey Architecture
Grooover: Can you smell fish
Grooover: Grazing Lanes
Grooover: Bolton braces
Grooover: He who bares, swings
Grooover: The typo for the footings depth on Brian's new extention had gone unoticed by the builder.
Grooover: Back to the source
Grooover: Vert de Gris in the foresty
Grooover: Knaresborough crossing
Grooover: Which step on the spectrum are you on
Grooover: Getting yours claws into it