Bart&Co.: RCA Television (1964)
Bart&Co.: The Magnificent Magnavox
Bart&Co.: Zenith quality comes to Color TV
Bart&Co.: Zenith Stratosphere (1949)
Bart&Co.: Admiral Magic Mirror Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: Philco (1962)
Bart&Co.: Zenith Color TV (1966)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont (1949)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont (1947)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont (1947)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1947)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont (1951)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont (1949)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: DuMont Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1951)
Bart&Co.: Stromberg-Carlson Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: The Magnificent Magnavox (1962)
Bart&Co.: Philco Town House television (1962)
Bart&Co.: Admiral Portable Television (1964)
Bart&Co.: GE Daylight Television
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1951)
Bart&Co.: Emerson (1962)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1952)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1951)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1949)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1948)
Bart&Co.: Du Mont Television (1951)