Chevalier cul -blanc . Tringa ochropus - Green Sandpiper .
Chevalier sylvain .Tringa glareola - Wood Sandpiper
Devill Photography:
Great Grey Owl
Devill Photography:
Great Grey Owl
Devill Photography:
Great Grey Owl
Martine BERRY:
Cincle Plongeur
Trevor Dobson:
Summer Milky Way Arch at Cowcowing Lakes, Western Australia
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Western Sandpiper - On a bed of greens :)
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Cloud Nine Sailing- American Wigeon Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
All Landing Gear Up - Oystercatcher Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Dunlin on the go
Chantal Jacques Photography:
In the land of the Giants - Western Sandpiper
Chantal Jacques Photography:
The inquisitive Western Meadowlark
Chantal Jacques Photography:
When size does not matter - Hooded Merganser Style
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Stand-up - Wigeon of Mexico :)
Chantal Jacques Photography:
In the Land of the Giants - American Dipper
Chantal Jacques Photography:
The very secretive Varied Thrush
Chantal Jacques Photography:
Anybody Home? Dunlin
Ania Tuzel Photography:
Mrs Barbet