Kristina B: Fire haze in the distance
Kristina B: Gorge-y haze
Kristina B: Hazy farms
Kristina B: Dinner in Walla Walla
Kristina B: Hazy Walla Walla sunset
Kristina B: Heather with chickens
Kristina B: Gorge wind farm
Kristina B: Walla Walla Chicken
Kristina B: Hood River haze
Kristina B: What we woke up to in Hood River
Kristina B: Heather enjoys the river
Kristina B: Meanwhile in the Gorge...
Kristina B: And they're off!
Kristina B: Gloves are important
Kristina B: Suiting up
Kristina B: Michael's READY
Kristina B: Suiting up
Kristina B: Michael's steed
Kristina B: Lars' steed
Kristina B: Michael's GoPro setup
Kristina B: Lela is deeply skeptical
Kristina B: Lars pepares
Kristina B: IMG_4828
Kristina B: IMG_4798
Kristina B: IMG_4782
Kristina B: The moon from Grouse Mountain after dinner.
Kristina B: Done playing. Bath time.
Kristina B: Oh hai!
Kristina B: They grew up together as rescues on Grouse Mountain and they sure do seem to be fond of each other.