Barn66: end of the cruise, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: the skipper
Barn66: Central Kalimantan, monkey spotting
Barn66: Central Kalimantan, just chilling
Barn66: DSC_1499
Barn66: complicated move, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: dominance, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: Central Kalimantan
Barn66: jungle colour, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: pitcher plant, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: jungle floor colour, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: one of the crew, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: calm, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: subservient, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: deft moves, Central Kalimantan
Barn66: waiting in the rain
Barn66: BSA becap, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: BSA becap, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: cafe cultured, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: smoker at a cafe, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: dapper butcher, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: ready to go, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: one that got away, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: salted fish, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: proud owner, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: happy butcher, Pematangsiantar
Barn66: what buddha sees, Borobudur
Barn66: steam sunrise, Borobudor (2)
Barn66: Camp Cove 16-6-18 (5)
Barn66: Camp Cove 16-6-18 (4)