Steven David Johnson: Pacific chorus frog, Lincoln, Oregon
DaveHuth: 001
DaveHuth: 027 Tiny Wood Frog!!
DaveHuth: 022 Gray Treefrog (Hyla versicolor)
DaveHuth: 021 Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica)
DaveHuth: 011 Eastern Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) profile on rock
DaveHuth: 008 Southern Toad (Bufo terrestris) - male calling with inflated gular pouch
DaveHuth: 004 Drama lighting on Toad
DaveHuth: 001 Red Eft, startled
a sullivan1: paradise twilight
a sullivan1: brilliant
a sullivan1: Dante's View
a sullivan1: shuksan before dawn
a sullivan1: mt baker
DaveHuth: Southern Toad (Bufo terrestris) - male calling with inflated gular pouch
DaveHuth: Southern Toad (Bufo terrestris) - amplexus
DaveHuth: Kaylan of the Forest
Steven David Johnson: Mayfly, Lost River State Park, West Virginia
DaveHuth: Red Back Salamander
Warmest Regards: wedding guests
Warmest Regards: Letchworth balloons
DaveHuth: Wood Frog (Rana sylvatica)
a sullivan1: slimy sal
a sullivan1: eft closeup
a sullivan1: garter snake
DaveHuth: Green Frog (Rana clamitans)
DaveHuth: Don't hate me because I'm beautiful.
DaveHuth: Waiting for dinner to unroll
DaveHuth: Small toad in the road
Elena Kalis: Set Me Free