barisione: Personal details
barisione: No accounts
barisione: Create a new Jabber account
barisione: Create a new MSN account
barisione: Create a new Gadu Gadu account
barisione: Jabber account
barisione: Edit Jabber account parameters
barisione: Edit Jabber account parameters (“Advanced” expended)
barisione: Edit MSN account
barisione: Message notifier
barisione: Message notifier
barisione: Spot the difference
barisione: Just a "tiny bit" of Italian food to survive in the UK for the next 2 months
barisione: Qt-Folks demo with Empathy and Facebook
barisione: Qt-Folks demo with Empathy and Facebook
barisione: Qt-Folks demo with Empathy and Facebook
barisione: Qt-Folks demo
barisione: Qt-Folks demo
barisione: Interesting place where to have a software conference
barisione: Custom ringtones in the address book settings
barisione: Contacts Merger
barisione: Plugins for the N900 address book
barisione: The Maemo 5 contact chooser
barisione: McItaly :(
barisione: N900s pyramid (thumbnail)
barisione: N900s pyramid
barisione: Address book components (small)
barisione: Address book components
barisione: Contact details
barisione: Contacts on the N900