BGale: Mr. Waltimar
BGale: Mr. Waltimar
BGale: Sparrow Hawk
BGale: Hawk
BGale: hawk
BGale: Bald Eagle
BGale: Jessie is 16!
BGale: details of the ancients
BGale: inside up high
BGale: glorious golden light
BGale: Along the streets of London
BGale: Mick
BGale: Lunch
BGale: galleries
BGale: Paul
BGale: chimneys
BGale: hotel
BGale: lanterns
BGale: umbrellas
BGale: From the Eye, on the way down
BGale: On the Eye, as we went over the top
BGale: eyePod
BGale: eye
BGale: Tate
BGale: Tate
BGale: At the gate of the Globe
BGale: Underground
BGale: a cold one