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The ride home was rainy, but I didn't get soaked
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2018-07-21 01.19.32 1
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2018-07-21 07.12.48 1
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hopefully not an apropos coffee photo, this is how we'd make coffee when guiding backcountry mountain bike trips..I couldn't find a coffee maker in the Todd's house, nor coffee but was able to walk to the store and make this happen. hopefully it resonates
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urban camping in Bountiful, Utah
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Jake, age 14.. still slangin dick and handing out smiles; looks like I didn't nail the focusing, but we did a bruising on the Wild Turkey, and I could "barely see out of one eye"
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the old Pontiac
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I'd never argue that this motorcycle is cool, but it's mine and for now, it's a way to see things and get to places, and for the sake of documentation, this is one way to do it. July 2018
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Tour Van: 2002 Kawasaki Concours, which is probably the most repulsively nerdy motorcycle ever made, but also reasonably indestructible, plenty fast, and what I have to work with
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Dumps like a 1950 Chevy 6400 truck
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take a deep breath and relax
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red, white, and blue
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the confluence of Teepee and Rock Creek
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2018-07-09 10.13.19 1
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from a bag of wildflower seeds
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record playing dinosaur flower vase
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Colorado wildflowers make my heart beat like a Tom Petty song
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a lot of the dirt roads aren't listed on any maps, and the only way to figure them out is to suck it up and see what happens
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at least one of us had a hoot
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there's hardly any trail.. we were follow matted down grass
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Savage .. ass blast
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front door views
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backyard views
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Jerry's got the most incredible map-memory
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paper maps and lots of liquor
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wildfire sunrise in my bedroom
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wildfire sunrise in the living room
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Jerry at Bamalonia
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lion scat