Banshee Fay: willy portrait touchup
Banshee Fay: Etsy current project....
Banshee Fay: Picture 004
Banshee Fay: Picture
Banshee Fay: Stalking the ever allusive pierogi.....
Banshee Fay: Hello!
Banshee Fay: Hmmmm....
Banshee Fay: Yep...
Banshee Fay: You can prove nothing...
Banshee Fay: Got yer tail!
Banshee Fay: Butt to butt.
Banshee Fay: Wet Willy!
Banshee Fay: Now I have to share my perch too??
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 733
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 728
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 727
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 724
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 721
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 717
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 719
Banshee Fay: to be filed too 714
Banshee Fay: Enemies in proximty
Banshee Fay: Melting hearts at the shelter
Banshee Fay: Ummm...
Banshee Fay: Working his jedi mind tricks....
Banshee Fay: Multimedia message
Banshee Fay: What IS this?
Banshee Fay: Multimedia message