banoota: ..elsewhere
banoota: another hectic day ends with another compulsive shopping impulse that yields the cutest e'llo kitty top evaaaa! *lol*
banoota: mëw
banoota: Symböls
banoota: You.
banoota: You thought ur power could stop me?
banoota: My bréakfast, séríöusly.
banoota: Yéy! Íts fínâlly hére!
banoota: Pólâröídah ínsídé thè bóx rèady 2 gö
banoota: Fàshy's cütenèss
banoota: Wüt pölaróídah ló0x líke nów
banoota: Fâb spàrkíe stàrz by sàmsö0mah
banoota: Spärklë spârkle
banoota: Poläróídah dèlívèred ín fâb pkgíng 2 wrk
banoota: Wôrk ön wéékénds?
banoota: Awrëady >=]
banoota: Tíntyóuuu A.Ddíctíôn xöxó
banoota: Pûrty cölor, púrrrty böw
banoota: Ta-däaaa
banoota: Púúúrtyyy
banoota: Ínsídes
banoota: My sänctùary, 'tís höw í spènt my ëíd
banoota: S-2 öccupíed
banoota: -->
banoota: Statíon 1 öccupíed
banoota: Ín that corner
banoota: Exténd that corner
banoota: Ínsíde hís clöset
banoota: Elsewhére
banoota: The Emirates