Casa Highland: pekingese costume
Casa Highland: pekingese love
Casa Highland: birthday girl!
Casa Highland: rock snuggle
Casa Highland: jim found some stuff on the beach
Casa Highland: jessacave
Casa Highland: sekrit bugs
Casa Highland: birthday dinner
Casa Highland: explaining dental floss
Casa Highland: his name is Henry
Casa Highland: barnacles
Casa Highland: lobster pots
Casa Highland: it's a lovely way to start the day
Casa Highland: waiting for the fios guy
Casa Highland: justice of the pekingese
Casa Highland: maxell -- it's worth it
Casa Highland: rosetta stone
Casa Highland: the open face of reference
Casa Highland: inside the british museum
Casa Highland: on the dangleway
Casa Highland: angry santa grafitti
Casa Highland: jessamyn
Casa Highland: laughing? crying? goat? monster? who knows!
Casa Highland: amazing stories
Casa Highland: it didn't have a sign saying do not touch, so we touched it.
Casa Highland: dress up museum!
Casa Highland: taking selfies at the museum
Casa Highland: crystal palace