kfdiz: Traffic #bridgeup #globalbiketoworkday #vivalabicicleta
kfdiz: See this...now! #empowered and loving #nachovigalondo #morethanakaijuromcom #bestof2017 #colassalmovie
kfdiz: Weekend explorations #miniroadtrip #pnw
kfdiz: If you have to get stuck somewhere... #longerweekends #ferrycrash #pnw
kfdiz: Season two is wrapped #knockemdown #LOAS #friendswhobowl
kfdiz: Bring it on #springtime #pnw
kfdiz: Was supposed to go to the mountain today, but I'm not mad about it #backinthesaddle #morebike #pnw
kfdiz: Can I go back now? #doover #puertorico
kfdiz: Morning vibes #yesplease #dowehavetogohome #puertorico
kfdiz: So many years of friendship with these two amazing women! Thanks for helping me ring in #fourty #puertorico #justgettingstarted
kfdiz: Rooftop views #norain #sunset #vieques
kfdiz: Got to be copilot today! #viequesbound #shotgun #bestday #puertorico
kfdiz: They sure know how to make you feel welcome here! #puertorico #welcomewagon #bienvenido
kfdiz: Can we do the weekend again? #slurpiesnow #almostspring #pnw
kfdiz: When your friend makes you out of felt #bffs #eyebrowsnotonfleek #bigteefnogrief
kfdiz: Sunshine on the way out. Love Seattle fall days. #ncbound #pnw #iamalaska
kfdiz: Spontaneous Sunday solo sidetrip #porqueno #optoutside #pnw
kfdiz: Pedal launch point #vgkfadventuretraining #34miles #raindontstopus
kfdiz: My living frame creation #succulentlife #gettincrafty #howlongcanikeepitalive
kfdiz: #dolly #yes
kfdiz: Feeling fall #autumnarrival #pnw
kfdiz: September #stillsummer #pnw
kfdiz: This is my new friend Oliver #evelynsbrother #minefortheweekend #sillypup
kfdiz: A little Monday harvest #farmerk #backyardeats #tastesbetterwhenyougrowit
kfdiz: Perfect ending to a great weekend #loggylife #pnw #thatsmymountain
kfdiz: And the man from above (you know...the bridge tower) spoke and he said "Bicyclist, if you could go faster so I can let the boat through it'd be great". And the bicyclist paused in wonder, laughed and pedaled on. #ithappened #morebike #vivalabicicleta #ped
kfdiz: Can this be my office? #thursday #pnw
kfdiz: Good way to start the day #BikeRSVP #morebike #vivalabicicleta
kfdiz: My boys dropped by to say hi #blueangels #viewfromi90 #dreamjob
kfdiz: Duh. #morebike #vivalabicicleta #pedalpedalpedal