NASA HQ PHOTO: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (NHQ201708210206)
NASA HQ PHOTO: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (NHQ201708210100)
NASA HQ PHOTO: 2017 Total Solar Eclipse - ISS Transit (NHQ201708210202)
Veronika von Volkova: Spangle and Taco curled up together in their kitty condo back in 2004 on the evening of the day they were adopted.
shokwave: Motivation
Veronika von Volkova: Extase dans Cimetière du Père-Lachaise.
RealityMonster: Spangle's little paws.
icarusfire: The real face of the demon
RealityMonster: Taco's relaxing.
icarusfire: Can can, dut dut, kikir kikir
writestuff1000: _MG_4408.jpg
icarusfire: Our alley
writestuff1000: _MG_3066
icarusfire: Cutting fish is dangerous yet funny
icarusfire: Noodles from heaven
icarusfire: Places you shouldn't be in #12
icarusfire: We like this place
icarusfire: Brave
icarusfire: Invisible cigar
writestuff1000: Giant's Causeway
writestuff1000: Anemone fish
writestuff1000: Anemone fish
icarusfire: East teaches west