♛ℬajadera: IMAG0486-1
♛ℬajadera: IMAG0486-1
♛ℬajadera: A snapshot in the family album
♛ℬajadera: ...and if we're good we'll lay to rest anywhere we want to go...
♛ℬajadera: Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning!
♛ℬajadera: Just an earring on my knee
♛ℬajadera: Peeping Tom
♛ℬajadera: Looking at you through the hat
♛ℬajadera: Osram 75W
♛ℬajadera: You unlock this door with the key of imagination...
♛ℬajadera: Anarchy flushed down the toilet
♛ℬajadera: Black Hole
♛ℬajadera: Van Gogh was here
♛ℬajadera: Mia moglie e il mio naso| My wife and my nose
♛ℬajadera: In a house of glass things are visible...
♛ℬajadera: In Limbo (I'm lost at sea, don't bother me)
♛ℬajadera: One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
♛ℬajadera: Hedgehog Kiss
♛ℬajadera: Dreamer
♛ℬajadera: "When I grow up, I want to be HAL 9000" said the straw
♛ℬajadera: Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep; if I die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
♛ℬajadera: Zzzzz....
♛ℬajadera: Under electric light
♛ℬajadera: The three wise monkeys
♛ℬajadera: Yesterday I woke up sucking a lemon...
♛ℬajadera: Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky...Shine on your crazy diamond...
♛ℬajadera: Segment by Bajadera