Walter Gill: A16P6967 Star Trails Over Lake Ruins
Dru Kennedy: Bottle Cove Bike...
Dru Kennedy: Rolling Gold...
Atlantic Cadets Atlantique: Where DO you get that energy?
Megan Lorenz: Lick It Up
Megan Lorenz: The Wanderer Brilliant sunrise over Nebraska grasslands
Pat Ulrich: Tule elk with vine on its antlers
Glenn Bartley - Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus)
Megan Lorenz: Scratch The Itch
Greg Noel: Backyard Milky Way
Megan Lorenz: Just another day at the office...
bhawi: The long road home
AARON_400D: Stonehenge milkyway
Dolores Harvey: Bonavista Iceberg
Dru Kennedy: Landway...
Dolores Harvey: Witless Bay Berg
Dru Kennedy: Broom Point
juances: elacantiladonegro
carmenvillar100: Crepúsculo Vespertino
Dolores Harvey: Easter Lily
Megan Lorenz: Swift and Silent
Megan Lorenz: The Bear Won't Get Me Up Here :-)