Walley Films: Soo Sunny Park
Oscar Angel Rey Soto: Con Cariño Desde el Desierto B.
yyudoyoko: table8 post
_fitz_: bebés al ataque
Oscar Angel Rey Soto: Amor Profundo
sansanga: Estampita moderna
señorita leona: Ella tiene la batuta
MoMA The Museum of Modern Art: mushroomSponge_edited-1
mauriziopeddis: marrakech
Gastón Liberto: "DIVINOS MUTANTES"
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Miniature Artists' Book
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Head of Bird
ai santero: prince's rabbit
Van Van !: mates
this is limbo: the times wont save you (this rain smells of memory)
this is limbo: the politics of a distress signal
this is limbo: Happened ( and the Birds Can't Remember Their Real Names)
this is limbo: Poignant Praisings (Wincing/Unconvincing)
this is limbo: Bound By The Ties Book Release Event
Marco } : Atún Foil
kakhabad: between the cold day and the warm night
Mr. Flibble: Somewhere little to go
Mr. Flibble: 441/730: New born
.unsuono.: Heaven
Que tiene tu mirar*: ::vestite y andate::