Baditude: Trisha ski 02
Baditude: Trisha Ski 01
Baditude: My Dad, Ko and Lansana Arrive
Baditude: Sergeant Spraggs
Baditude: Me and a Sassy Badass
Baditude: Canteen Kids
Baditude: Out of the Army Party People
Baditude: Trisha with the Guests of Honor
Baditude: Snacking and Stalking
Baditude: Army Cupcakes
Baditude: Liz Helping to Prep
Baditude: Trisha the Deadly Killer Takes a Break
Baditude: Trisha in her Gilly Suit
Baditude: A Game of Taj Mahal
Baditude: Eli Gets a Ride After Dinner
Baditude: My Dad and I Post-Toast
Baditude: Eli and My Mom
Baditude: Cutting the Cake
Baditude: Uncle Eryn and Professor Eli
Baditude: Ron Plays with his Bubbles
Baditude: Eli Waiting for the Event to Begin
Baditude: Inside the Jet
Baditude: Guests Waiting to Enter
Baditude: Our Chariot awaits
Baditude: The Gang arriving at the Jet
Baditude: Eric and Ellen ready to depart
Baditude: The Hustle
Baditude: Eli with a Huge Jug of Gatorade
Baditude: Landing in Minden
Baditude: Cool Guys