baant: Yey! @boneshakermag 7 just arrived!
baant: New frame, new project
baant: Made it down to the sailing club :)
baant: playing-with-shapes
baant: Being cared for by my sister today, jelly and jafa cakes (this is just pudding I did have 2 courses previously)
baant: Success I have managed to eat!
baant: Surgery over
baant: Is this a QR code on here?
baant: Guess what happens next :)
baant: Jack feeding Andy ice cream, oh dear..
baant: Cyclecoffeecycle
baant: 3kg of fried eggs!!
baant: Andy is the biggest poser I ever met
baant: @ringomoss pre ride and pre puncture hell!
baant: Biscuits and milk... mmm
baant: After #thegreatchillicookoff
baant: During #thegreatchillicookoff
baant: Before #thegreatchillicookoff
baant: Of all the bikes the one I want to ride is tubeless, dammit!
baant: Mmmmmm
baant: Charles looking royal!
baant: Pims o'clock (jacks in a boiler suit)
baant: Good colours
baant: Clean bikes mmm
baant: Pedal maintenance
baant: Andy taking it back to chrome
baant: New wheel close up
baant: This is a joke right?