Azri Aizat: DSC_9604
Ana Luísa Pinto [Luminous Photography]: day three hundred and fifty five
Ana Luísa Pinto [Luminous Photography]: torn ballerina [series — III]
mi_re: saufi khusairi is the star in nike commercial.
Azri Aizat: eye's smile~
mi_re: [Explored] day 5 - do you get home from work so tired.
ghani salleh: 8th December
Paul Merry: Frozen BMW
osamukaneko: tokyo
sarah.yusko: and the days dwindle down to a precious few, september, november--and these few precious days i'd spend with you, these golden days i'd spend with you.
MarkASmith: Oak leaves [Explored]
Aramix: Eternal beauty
torode: There's No Jumping These Puddles
David M Hogan: Foggy Apocalyptic Seattle
altikkat: Expo de toiles Logan class of 2011
Corin Jones: Keith & Rachel │ Married...Coming Soon
∆ toma ϟ: breathless