aznwolfie: Newly installed front engine plates
aznwolfie: Grandma in Canada
aznwolfie: Grandma in Canada
aznwolfie: Aunt Stella
aznwolfie: Aunt Antonia, Aunt Stella, and Grandma
aznwolfie: Grandma and Her Triumph Herald
aznwolfie: First Cousin Once Removed Aiden
aznwolfie: Friends and Grandpa
aznwolfie: Not sure...
aznwolfie: Group Photo Including Grandma
aznwolfie: Uncle Paul
aznwolfie: Grandma and School Production
aznwolfie: Great great aunt (maternal grandmother's 姨 aunt), Minor Great Grandma (secondary wife of my paternal grandma's father) and Great Grandma (paternal grandfather's mother).
aznwolfie: Grandma's Friend
aznwolfie: Cheong Hing Colleagues, Grandma, Aunt Antonia, and Newlyweds
aznwolfie: Dad and Uncle Paul
aznwolfie: Uncle Paul and Grandma
aznwolfie: First Cousin Once Removed Ching and her husband Wah's Wedding Party
aznwolfie: Grandma and Dad
aznwolfie: Great Aunt Sophia and Great Uncle Henry
aznwolfie: Great Aunt Sophia
aznwolfie: Great Uncle Henry
aznwolfie: The Cheung Family and Miss Yu
aznwolfie: Grandma and Miss Yu
aznwolfie: Miss Yu and Grandma
aznwolfie: Grandma and Friend
aznwolfie: Grandma in Central