Daniel Trim: Larch Flower
Barb D'Arpino Photography: Groundhog and nesting material.
SeventhMonk: Yellow Warbler - Paruline jaune
SeventhMonk: Tree Swallow - Hirondelle Bicolore
Daniel Trim: Common Frog
lachance.germain: Paruline à croupion jaune / Yellow-Rumped Warbler
SeventhMonk: Flight of Northern Shovelers - Canards Souchet en vol
SeventhMonk: Pluvier Kildir - Kildeer
SeventhMonk: Cormorant en vol - Flight of the cormorant
Daniel Trim: Wood Anemone
Daniel Trim: Wood Anemone
Luc Marc: Espace négatif
Luc Marc: Printemps, simplement
Luc Marc: Les points sur les "i"
Luc Marc: Moment fugace
SeventhMonk: Pic mineur - Downy woodpecker
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Pic mineur - Downy woodpecker
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Repas de la petite nyctale / Meal of the saw-whet owl
Luc Marc: Sortie en douce
lachance.germain: Bruant à gorge blanche /White-Throated Sparrow
lachance.germain: Bec-croisé bifascié /White-winged Crossbill
Luc Marc: Habitant arboricole
Luc Marc: Camouflage
Luc Marc: Remous
Daniel Trim: Cuckoo Chick
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Paruline à calotte noire \ Wilson's Warbler
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Paruline à calotte noire \ Wilson's Warbler
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Hirondelle bicolore \ Tree Swallow
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Oriole de Baltimore \ Baltimore Oriole
Gladys Klip: Wilde hamster / wild hamster / hamster sauvage