We pooled, we comedied, we scooted. And there is still no one else I’d rather ice cream with. A truly great Labor Day with my bae 💚😘
I took this a while ago but never got around to posting, which encapsulates the state of things. Lots of settling in, still feeling a little off kilter, trying to figure out how and where I want to exist in this new place that still doesn’t feel quite lik
These days: living for all the ways I can put a smile on this man’s face. What better way than surprising him with a trip to a diner with basic food filled with model airplanes? I think I accomplished my goal!
Yeah I know, something no one has taken a picture before 👀 ....But living across from it, it’s my perpetual skyline now whether I like it or not. Taken from my rooftop
An old picture from NYC I long ago stashed away. Took it a couple summers ago in Washington Square Park — one of my favorite places in the city — when a bubble performer was out. I came back across it today and what can I say... I felt a spark joy ala Mar
Shadows, my favorite kind scene. Taken exactly 1 year ago in Soho...feels like a world away from where I am today. I guess it kind of is.
Goodbye Gotham. So thankful for the time I’ve spent here, the amazing opportunities I’ve been given, and all the friends I’ve met along the way. Leaving a better person than I came, which is all I can really ask for. But it’s time to go home now. Next up:
When you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that the main attraction in America’s biggest city is a single woman standing on her own 💅