aysenur t: to the mountains!
aysenur t: now, the only place you can go is your balcony.
aysenur t: her flowers.
aysenur t: her flowers.
aysenur t: my favourite person is 75 years old.
aysenur t: my 25th summer.
aysenur t: hotel room loneliness.
aysenur t: écoute moi.
aysenur t: someone who likes to complete the things.
aysenur t: curiosity to unknown.
aysenur t: loving this feeling.
aysenur t: when the petals fall.
aysenur t: summertime and the living's easy.
aysenur t: izmir callin'
aysenur t: unbearable lightness of existence.
aysenur t: the last lecture.
aysenur t: out of the comfort zone.
aysenur t: the chosen one.
aysenur t: your happy place.
aysenur t: her morning elegance.
aysenur t: hot tea & cold day.
aysenur t: kekik çayı.
aysenur t: fire ball.
aysenur t: something to talk face to face.
aysenur t: my favourite person in this life.
aysenur t: hand-made.
aysenur t: almost a rainbow.
aysenur t: cotton castle.