#Sacho#: Autumn - Herbst
jt893x: Northern Flicker
#Sacho#: 30ger
#Sacho#: Sonnenuntergang
#Sacho#: Im Wald
#Sacho#: stormy
#Sacho#: Fire dance
onecure2: Dances with waves 1
onecure2: Dances with waves 2
Elia Locardi: Jewel of the Cyclades
Elia Locardi: Bedtime Stories
Elia Locardi: Beyond The Vatican
Elia Locardi: Luminosity
Elia Locardi: Dreams of Meteora
Elia Locardi: The Lion City
Elia Locardi: Moods of Manhattan
Elia Locardi: Eye of the West
Elia Locardi: Snow Fall
Elia Locardi: Nine Dragons
Dave Fieldhouse Photography: Bamford Bonfires - in explore
chikaraamano: A mountain stream in the early autumn
Mike Veltri: Not much around other than a few egrets...
Jem Salmon: Hillside sunset
palateth: The Bremer shooting target
karinrogmann: Taubenschwänzchen am Sommerflieder
ebeckes: Teasel (Explored.)
sjs61: Neptune's Mirror