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Javier D.: Cabo Ortegal
Hodaka Yamamoto: inceptional
guilbep: Scan-120814-0026
guilbep: Scan-120814-0030
guilbep: Scan-120814-0020
guilbep: This was our first day hiking in the Pyrénée, and that’s how the mountain welcomed us. (near Gavarnie, around 6pm, on the GR10, heading north/west to the refuge de Baysselance) --Scan-120814-0021
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guilbep: Scan-120814-0031
guilbep: Scan-120814-0006
guilbep: Scan-120814-0003
guilbep: Lago di como, first morning in Italy -- Italy_Day_2-3-0412
guilbep: Italy_Day_2-3-0412
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