Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Hi......!!!
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Happy New year ....
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): I am not stupid, I am blond!!! B - L - O - N - T
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Don't feel sad, don't feel glue, Einstein was ugly too !
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Beauty ....
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Eidull' Alhuhaa.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): For you I would go as far as the end of the world. Do you promise to stay here ?"
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): I am not your type ... I am not inflatable. he he he.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Do not disturb, I am enough disturbed as it is . . .
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Welcome To Sunny Side.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Aljazeera TV Channel Camera Man.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Hey dear.....
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Beauty of the Month.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Yes I do ..
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Lets go....
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): The world is so more beautiful with you around!
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver the other gold.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Don't feel sad, don't feel glue, Einstein was ugly too !
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Creating better living Satandards.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): One of the popular island of Himandhoo.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Small Boat ... Small Country...Small Meeting..!!
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Nothing ...!!
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Think about our future.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Dont Know...!!
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): After flying....!! Happy "jumhooriyyath"
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): Red VS Yellow.
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): How to know...??
Aey Xed ( A. Z ): More Colours.