ianpreston: Lapwing DSCN7653
ianpreston: Deer-fly (horsefly) DSCN7719
ianpreston: Deer- fly (horsefly) DSCN7724
ianpreston: Hairy Shield Bug DSCN7726
ianpreston: Silver-washed Fritillary-cloud wood DSCN6610
ianpreston: Emperor-local pond DSCN6694
ianpreston: Taken with my old FZ330 P1970821
robin elliott photography: Eurasian Bittern
robin elliott photography: Dartford Warbler Flying over Heather
robin elliott photography: Eurasian Bittern
robin elliott photography: Juvenile Peregrine Falcon
robin elliott photography: Juvenile Marsh Harrier
Kentish Plumber: Garden Warbler Singing
ianpreston: Tonight 25/10/2020 DSCN0885
ianpreston: Amongst the berries DSCN8571
ianpreston: Kingfisher DSCN8807