aux framboise: 2013-05-23 11.33.53
aux framboise: cooking rogel for Mr. S
aux framboise: cooking rogel for Mr. S
aux framboise: cleaning
aux framboise: Portobello Road / London
aux framboise: Portobello Road / London
aux framboise: Portobello Road / London
aux framboise: dancing M.J.
aux framboise: pancake in the sun
aux framboise: my little sister is 6!
aux framboise:
aux framboise: my brother got me flowers
aux framboise: adho mukha svanasana
aux framboise: oli & santi
aux framboise: cabbage
aux framboise: to loung around
aux framboise: i'm going to NYC in June
aux framboise: inside my bag
aux framboise: ELLE magazine illustration
aux framboise: ELLE magazine illustration
aux framboise: Collaboration / GataFlora Magazine
aux framboise: my ring
aux framboise: Oasis - Stop Crying Your Heart Out
aux framboise: beloved new all stars
aux framboise: bosque de araucarias
aux framboise: rúcula = Eruca sativa = rocket or roquette
aux framboise: sista & el pájaro loco (Woody Woodpecker)
aux framboise: Oli still in Disney