RooBendlin: Dice and Dice and Dice
tatiana_brown: Winter days 209/365 Her skin, White as snow
*Omerika*: Counting Sheep
vale3kit: stOriA d'AmOre e d' AnarchiA
sחow line: Papermate♥♥
Gerard Hermand: Déchirure
Pixelchen1: a good book //// ein gutes Buch ... 19.12.2018
Julicious Photography: Beauty of Decay
Stonyhawk: Haslams
DymphieH: Autumn reading
silvia_mozzon: Selfportrait
Emptynest Sightseers (k4♥wea}: "If one cannot enjoy reading a book over and over again, there is no use in reading it at all." — Oscar Wilde
mrikaselimi: “The heart of autumn must have broken here, and poured its treasure out upon the leaves.”
Victoria's Gallery Photography: "I fell in love with quotes at a very young age. I guess it was interesting to me that someone else is able to unknowingly express my thoughts when I’m at a loss for words..."
penwren: The time of year, along with spring, When poets must take care Not to sing the same old songs Stolen from tribal memory."
Joel Robison: Delivered To Light
Joel Robison: Lightly Worded
Joel Robison: Forest of Fiction
le cabri: 10 of 25 Advent project
curious_spider: Golden Noodles
chrisli_: [ flying letters]
Muriel M. ∞ Photography: • Il était une fois... | Once upon a time… • day235; September 5, 2010
Dappers: writer's block
pixelmama: Written in Reverse
le cabri: art of writing