judi may: Sunshine on a cloudy day...
judi may: Sometimes, the blur is where the story begins...
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): It starts with one
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): Macro Flowers Film Ilford FP4 125 ISO
Rob Heber Photography: Serenity Bench
Rob Heber Photography: See the Forest for the Trees
judi may: 23/31: Autumn - The years last loveliest smile...William Cullen
judi may: 25/31: To think they said he wouldn't make old bones
Graham S Paton: doon the lane (1 of 1)
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): Not all things are cuddly
judi may: 14/31: Seeds of hope
judi may: 16/31: Nighttime at the pumpkin patch
judi may: 15/31: Burning desire
Stephen G Nelson: Purslane Interior Design
Stephen G Nelson: Migration
Stephen G Nelson: Petal Droplets
Stephen G Nelson: Transcendent Lily
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): Like notes on a sheet of music
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): The waving edges of a Rose
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): Softly soaking the sun
Macro photographer ( ♡ DS ): Such a lovely plant