AngelToastDolls: Galaxy~!
svebeauty84: Pico Aileendoll (Monya)
maychandoll: aileendoll lapis
★Etoilebleue★: FA AileenDoll dragon LAPIS V.1 with blush (airbrushed acrylic paint)
baby~mermaid: Meadow Mako
anniedollz♥custom dollz hut <3: Sunlight Volks FCS f20 and f31
abenohiya: Eternal ☆lice
V Threepio: Wonder Woman Ballerina
meenist faceups: hippogriff
Sigdrasil: sold
brighteyes2002: FS/FA Soom Zard
lillie:): FA Unoa Chibi Lilin
istriazel: Pink Glasses
gorgona73: My curled girl;-)
Bazangi: Fall day
Bazangi: Mi-Chan
baby~mermaid: Even though it's just a quick phone pic, I'm SO excited to have my Mako back home from the super talented Xhanthi! I'm blown away by her transformation. Now for a quick wig shopping spree to find her final look!
~Akara~: Hippogriff arrival
Kikyô: DIM Larina Mod sur corps DollChateau
RedBeanPetit4s: Two faced
caracal0407: Lillycat Cerisedolls Ninon
beansproutmomo: Wig in Progress
ban sidhe: FINALLY DONE
Nymrah: Forest stories