Aurora Shoe Company: #solidleatherfootwear
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #comfort
Aurora Shoe Company: #vibram #aurorashoes
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #newmexican
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #newmexican #navy
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #madetolast
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #madetolast
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #santaclaus #middleenglish #northpole
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorachinese #aurorashoes #madetolast #worldtravels #all7continents
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #auroranorthpacific #madetolast #aurorabrown
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #madetolast #aurorawestindian #auroranavy
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #aurorachinese #auroraolive #madetolast
Aurora Shoe Company: This is the way snow gets cleared in an agricultural community. #becausetheshoesmustship
Aurora Shoe Company: What do you think about pairing your #aurorashoes with a matching handmade wallet or belt?
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes
Aurora Shoe Company: #woodenspokes, #1922Franklin, #aurorashoes
Aurora Shoe Company: 1922 - Franklin series 10A 1919 - Charles Moffatt, celebrating 95 years
Aurora Shoe Company: My customers drive the coolest cars.
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #scrapleatherproject
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes #leatherwork
Aurora Shoe Company: Customers are always telling us that people randomly stop them on the street to ask them where they bought their shoes. It's our best form of advertising!
Aurora Shoe Company: #aurorashoes
Aurora Shoe Company: We re-purpose leather boxes to ship our wholesale orders. These boxes will be full of shoes and on their way to Japan by the end of this week.
Aurora Shoe Company: It may be cold, but the sun is shining in Aurora!
Aurora Shoe Company: Drive into work.