auntsmack4u: 1. here we go again
auntsmack4u: 2. "There is such a shelter in each other. " - Nick Laird -
auntsmack4u: 3: Jaime Sommers in the making
auntsmack4u: 4. oh oh oh its magic...
auntsmack4u: 5. this shot only cost me $100
auntsmack4u: 6. the fiddy is back!!
auntsmack4u: 7. what else is there to say ?
auntsmack4u: 8. breathe with me
auntsmack4u: 9. can you see this?
auntsmack4u: 10. glycerine
auntsmack4u: 11. all decked out and ready to partay
auntsmack4u: 12. lost, again
auntsmack4u: 13. domo says gimme more bokeh!
auntsmack4u: 14. domo says it s five o'clock somewhere!
auntsmack4u: 15. TIDALWAVE!!!!!!
auntsmack4u: 16. wouldnt it be great if we all had butterfly wings?
auntsmack4u: 17. where did i leave my tiara?
auntsmack4u: 18. That's what friends are for
auntsmack4u: 19. Princess Nana
auntsmack4u: 20. Taking care of business
auntsmack4u: 21. what an awesome day
auntsmack4u: 22. thats what a new hip looks like
auntsmack4u: 23. DHB at UMCP
auntsmack4u: 24. rinse and repeat
auntsmack4u: 25. we both laughed
auntsmack4u: 26. its complicated
auntsmack4u: 27. “I thought the most beautiful thing in the world must be shadow.” ― Sylvia Plath
auntsmack4u: 28. wish it was easier
auntsmack4u: 29. lunch, and i liked it
auntsmack4u: 30. whatever it takes.