The British Monarchy: The Duke and Duchess leave the balcony
The British Monarchy: The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge leaving Westminster Abbey
Joyce in the CactusPatch: Raywood Ash tree
wunztwice: Seasonal Colors
Karlshorsterin: Blaubeerchen
marlysmand: Alone
elisabeth adams: Pink - a - Dilly
Shakti Womyn: Flowers of London
Savonna: 2008_0912visit0221
merlin600058: Dahlia 2
Yobs: White Hibiscus
LINCOLNOSE2®: Pink Roses
elfpunk999: Rich with Chalk
Madame Eleonora: She still dances - 11/06/2010
Ibleo: GuardandoTi: Bianca, Rosa e Nero
merlin600058: Naître ou ne pas naître
sonofsteppe: I believe in God (Credo in Deum)