Budapesti Tekergo: Urban peephole
Adolfo Rozenfeld: Rocío en el bar Roma, Buenos Aires. Enero, 2018.
Adolfo Rozenfeld: Rocío en el bar Roma, Buenos Aires.
36D VIEW: "New York Nostalgia"
Adolfo Rozenfeld: Hijo atardece.
Davide Ibiza: è pronta per una nuova fiamma
Luc F Durocher: Crocus
Trey Ratcliff: Papua New Guinea Stare
傑夫 or Jeff: SDQH7274
m i k e h a w k i n s: Mojave National Preserve
m i k e h a w k i n s: oh just a horse
doublecappuccino: The Love Inspector II
thierrylothon: 2014-03-11-16-42-19
Jueno [ Ricey ]: Like a G6
筱山青作 oldlens slow photo: sony A7 + Jupiter-3 50mm F1.5 5CM F1.5 Leica L39 M39 LTM
Naga Style: pentax Q_05
Rafakoy: Nikkor 50mm f/1.2
michaelHD: Fujifilm X-E1 + Leica Summicron M 50 v4 Another Day
Of Silver and Silence: ageing with dignity
fzsani91: fogaskerekű
► MaNurs: Wheelville
Cloud Age Photo: 273/365 Minolta CLE
Csaba Kovacs: Christmas tram 1/365+1
Es&Mar: Hot Mint Tea
viking_79: DSC03302.jpg The Briefcase
Mute*: Truly