Dr. Brainfish: Blanca y negra
Connie Sue2: [Week 52: my favorite shot of the year] lift off!
the girl who made it on her own: winding alleys that have kept a little part of me
Lolaa Dias: Style
Raf Ferreira: Les Invalides - Napoleon Tomb
deserteaglevs50: P1090885
StephLouisePhotography: "My dreams aren't even as distant as you and me."
Paula Corado.: You're just a broken angel.
Céu Fotografia: run, run ...
Felipe Fortolan: Marina de Salvador
Cris Iurkiw ॐ: Pequenos detalhes
Pedro Lacerda - Le Monsieur: Dolor con el tiempo
connradi: Carol Ferreira
annfrau: Fragole
annfrau: A ray of sunlight
annfrau: Plumbago
Lululu G: Quem sabe um dia....
Wedson Marques: Aros Vermelhos
Raf Ferreira: The Sainte-Chapelle
Pedro Lacerda - Le Monsieur: Parada, exposta. Esperando a noite chegar