A Camera Story:
A barn at the sea
Been Around:
Großglockner - Austria
A Camera Story:
One more sunset
Carmelo61 PhotoPassion Thanks:
Milan Central Station
M. Mudabbir:
Gabriele Parafioriti Photography:
Oceanside Pier
Marco Dian - www.marcodian.com:
Eclissi Totale
Angelo Zinna:
Scatti di memoria:
sminky_pinky100 (In and Out):
Sabbaday Falls, New Hampshire
albygent Alberto Gentile:
Quando l'estate finisce - when the summer ends
Massimo Usai Photography:
Brick Lane
Robyn Hooz:
Fields of flowers
Robyn Hooz:
Between summer and fall
I viaggi di mkvale:
Cascate del Niagara